Here I am, my very last blog, I am not sure whether I am thankful or sad, but one thing I know I am relieved. I have made it to the finish line, I wasn't too sure at one stage, YAHOO!!!!!.
Congratulations to all those who put 'Learning 2' together, a great program with much learning, head scratching, and fun.
At times I found Learning 2 extremely hard, RSS lines was one of my real difficulties and yet today when I needed one, not a problem. There were other times also when I found it difficult, I'm sure people around me felt quite frustrated at times as I had to keep asking questions. It's hard for an old "chook" to learn new things, but I did it. I do hope to get back to some of the different areas and have another go, I would like to go back to 'Flicka', podcasts, eaudio books, and even add to my library. I really do need the net at home, for me to say that is a first.
I wonder as an improvement of the program if there could be more explanations in each task, for me step by step, to enable those of us who are not technology minded to understand how to add rss lines, (which I think they did}, utube etc.